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Sample Employment Contract Amendment Template

By April 25, 2022No Comments2 min read

If you are an employer, you know how important it is to keep your employees’ contracts up-to-date. However, if you need to make a change to an existing employment contract, you may wonder where to start. This is where a sample employment contract amendment template comes in handy.

An employment contract amendment template is a document that outlines the changes you would like to make to an existing employment contract. This can include changes to an employee’s salary, job title, duties, working hours, or any other relevant terms and conditions.

Using a sample employment contract amendment template can save you time and effort in creating a new contract from scratch. It also ensures that you are complying with legal requirements and protects you from any potential legal issues in the future.

Here are the main elements of an employment contract amendment template:

1. Introduction: Start with a brief introduction that states the purpose of the amendment and the effective date of the changes.

2. Identifying Information: This section should include the employee’s name, job title, and the date the original employment contract was signed.

3. Changes: This section outlines the changes you want to make to the existing employment contract. Be specific and clear about what is changing and why.

4. Signatures: The amendment must be signed by both the employer and employee to make it legally binding.

Here is a sample employment contract amendment template:

Introduction: This amendment to the employment contract between [Employer] and [Employee] is effective as of [Date].

Identifying Information: The original employment contract was signed on [Date] and the employee’s job title is [Job Title].

Changes: The following changes will be made to the original employment contract:

[Insert changes to salary, job title, duties, working hours, or any other relevant terms.]


[Employer Name and Signature] [Date] [Employee Name and Signature] [Date]

In conclusion, an employment contract amendment template is a useful document for any employer who needs to make changes to an existing employment contract. By using a sample template, you can ensure that the amendment is legally binding, compliant with legal requirements, and protects you from potential legal issues.


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