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What Does a Buyer`s Agent Contract Look like

By August 29, 2022No Comments2 min read

When it comes to buying a home, hiring a buyer`s agent can be extremely helpful. A buyer`s agent is a licensed real estate professional who represents the buyer`s interests in a real estate transaction. They help the buyer find potential homes, negotiate the best price, and guide them through the closing process.

To ensure that the buyer and the agent are on the same page, they sign a buyer`s agent contract. This contract outlines the terms of the agreement between the buyer and the agent. Here`s what a typical buyer`s agent contract looks like:

1. Parties involved: The contract will outline the names and contact information of the buyer and the agent, as well as the broker representing the agent.

2. Term of the agreement: The contract will specify the length of time the buyer and agent will be working together. This can vary from a few weeks to several months.

3. Buyer`s obligations: The contract will outline the buyer`s obligations, such as providing accurate and complete information about their budget and housing preferences, promptly communicating with the agent, and viewing properties in a timely manner.

4. Agent`s obligations: The contract will specify the agent`s obligations, such as using their expertise to find properties that meet the buyer`s needs, negotiating on behalf of the buyer, and disclosing any conflicts of interest.

5. Commission and fees: The contract will outline the commission and fees the buyer will be responsible for paying. Generally, the buyer`s agent is paid a percentage of the sale price of the home.

6. Termination of the agreement: The contract will outline the circumstances under which the agreement can be terminated, such as if the buyer finds a home on their own or if the agent fails to fulfill their obligations.

It`s important to note that buyer`s agent contracts can vary depending on the state and the broker. Some contracts may include additional clauses, such as a non-compete agreement or a confidentiality clause. It`s important to carefully review and understand the contract before signing.

In conclusion, a buyer`s agent contract is a legal agreement between the buyer and the agent that outlines the terms of their working relationship. By signing a buyer`s agent contract, the buyer can ensure that they have the support and guidance of a licensed professional throughout the home-buying process.


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