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Subject Verb Agreement Error Definition

By March 23, 2023No Comments2 min read

Subject-verb agreement error refers to a common grammatical mistake made by writers where the subject and verb in a sentence do not agree in terms of number. This is a crucial element in writing because a lack of agreement between these two can make the meaning of the sentence unclear or confusing.

Subject-verb agreement is an essential component of a sentence structure in English grammar. Simply put, it refers to the agreement or match in number between the subject (the person or thing doing or being something) and the verb (the action or state of being). A sentence with a subject-verb agreement error may be grammatically incorrect or ambiguous.

Here is an example of a subject-verb agreement error: “The group of students is excited for their exams.” The subject here is “group,” which is singular, and the verb should be “is” instead of “are.” The correct sentence would be “The group of students is excited for its exams.”

There are various types of subject-verb agreement errors, such as:

1. Singular subject with plural verb: This error occurs when a singular subject is used with a plural verb. For example, “My dog and cat eats their food” should instead be “My dog and cat eat their food.”

2. Plural subject with singular verb: This mistake happens when a plural subject is used with a singular verb. For instance, “All of the students was late for class” should be “All of the students were late for class.”

3. Combinations of singular and plural nouns: Sometimes, a sentence contains singular and plural nouns in the same sentence, which can lead to confusion. For example, “The books on the shelf needs to be organized” should be “The books on the shelf need to be organized.”

4. Indefinite pronouns: Indefinite pronouns refer to a person, place, or thing that is not specified. When used as the subject of a sentence, they usually take singular verbs. For instance, “Someone needs to take out their trash” should be “Someone needs to take out his or her trash.”

Subject-verb agreement errors often occur when writers fail to pay close attention to the details of their writing. This mistake can impact the clarity and coherence of a sentence. It is essential for writers to review their writing carefully to identify any subject-verb agreement errors and correct them to ensure that their writing is clear and easy to understand.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement errors are a common mistake in English grammar that can cause confusion and misunderstandings in writing. By understanding the basic rules of subject-verb agreement and taking the time to proofread their writing, writers can avoid these errors and create clear and effective writing.


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