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Eu Chile Free Trade Agreement Text

By August 22, 2023No Comments3 min read

The EU-Chile Free Trade Agreement Text: What You Need to Know

In today`s globalized economy, free trade agreements have become a crucial tool for governments seeking to expand their markets and promote economic growth. The EU-Chile Free Trade Agreement (FTA) is one such agreement that has been in place since 2003. But what exactly does this agreement entail, and what are its implications for businesses and consumers? In this article, we`ll take a closer look at the EU-Chile FTA text and what it means for the parties involved.

Overview of the EU-Chile FTA

The EU-Chile FTA is a comprehensive agreement that covers a wide range of topics, from trade in goods and services to investment, intellectual property, and competition policy. The agreement eliminates tariffs on most goods traded between the EU and Chile, with some exceptions for sensitive products such as agricultural goods. It also provides for the liberalization of trade in services, including financial services, telecommunications, and transport.

In addition to the provisions on trade, the EU-Chile FTA also includes chapters on investment protection and intellectual property rights. These chapters provide for the protection of European investors in Chile and vice versa, as well as rules on the enforcement of patents, trademarks, and copyrights.

Benefits of the EU-Chile FTA

The EU-Chile FTA has been hailed as a success story for both parties, with trade between the EU and Chile more than doubling since the agreement came into force. Some of the key benefits of the agreement include:

– Increased market access: The elimination of tariffs on most goods traded between the EU and Chile has led to increased market access for businesses in both regions.

– Lower prices for consumers: The reduction in tariffs has also led to lower prices for consumers, as imported goods become more affordable.

– Boost to investment: The investment chapter of the FTA provides for greater protection for European investors in Chile, which has led to increased investment flows between the two regions.

– Protection of intellectual property rights: The FTA includes strong provisions on the protection of intellectual property rights, which has helped to foster innovation and creativity in both regions.

Challenges and criticisms

Despite the benefits of the EU-Chile FTA, there have been some challenges and criticisms regarding certain aspects of the agreement. Some of these include:

– Sensitive products: While most goods are covered by the agreement, there are some exceptions for sensitive products such as agricultural goods. This has led to concerns from farmers in both regions about the impact of increased competition.

– Environmental and social standards: Some critics have argued that the FTA does not do enough to promote environmental and social standards in both regions. They claim that the agreement prioritizes trade over other important considerations.

– Investor-state dispute settlement: The investment chapter of the FTA includes provisions for investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS), which has been criticized by some as giving too much power to multinational corporations.


Overall, the EU-Chile FTA text is a comprehensive agreement that has led to increased trade and investment flows between the EU and Chile. While there have been some challenges and criticisms, the benefits of the agreement have been significant for businesses and consumers in both regions. As the global economy continues to evolve, free trade agreements like the EU-Chile FTA will likely play an increasingly important role in promoting economic growth and prosperity.


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